What is OPAT?

The concept behind OPAT is that when we look at the totality of poverty, many feel helpless, but you are NOT! We may not be able to do everything, but each of us can do something to dramatically affect another person or family in a positive way. OPAT provides projects that are as little as a one time $25 donation that can enact a long term, significant impact upon its receiver. You can make a real difference!


One Project at a Time (OPAT) a 501c3 non-profit corporation that recognizes human dignity and equality of all people by assisting those who need help, and those who want to help, through creating programs and projects, opportunities and options, to one person, one family and one community at a time.






















Contact Us

How to Contact Us

Phone: 570-730-0547
email: opat@opat.org

© 2020 OPAT - One Project at a Time